Repurpose Post
02 Jan 2018I’ve modified my “electronics projects blog” to be just a day to day journal. Static sites are awesome and this amount has been up for more than a year for free so why not? I could possibly still blog about electronics projects although I’ve been busy with school lately.
What to expect now
I’m typing out thoughts, experiences, and things I want to study. I am a bit involved in the local San Diego Church of Christ and I don’t expect that to go away, so there are also religious Christian ideas up here.
How to manage it
Jekyll sets me up with a _posts folder for the posts. I just write out new posts in markdown format in that folder to start and save them with the date in yyyy-mm-dd-
The downside
I’ve lost my Linux setup for checking out posts with Jekyll before I push them onto github. Also github complains about my dependencies. Using newer versions of nokogiri and yajl-ruby cease the complaints. I have no idea what they do.
Laziness these days
I cheat on Windows and just use SourceTree instead of command lines.